Ana Maria Rosato talks w/Dr Jody: Abortion Bans Jeopardize Medical Education
In this interview, Ana Maria Rosato interviews Dr. Jody, an ob/gyn who trains medical students and residents. Dr. Jody talks about the devastating impact that an abortion ban will have on the education of the physicians to whom we turn for our healthcare and the healthcare of our loved ones. Listen to what Dr. Jody says.
“After medical school, people go on to choose specialties. And many specialties include reproductive healthcare. The most obvious are ob-gyn and family medicine and — but many others do interact with reproductive health care in different ways.
“So, I would argue that every clinician, and certainly every doctor or nurse practitioner, advanced practice clinician providing reproductive health must be able to safely empty a uterus in the setting of an emergency.
“So not only must all ob/gyns and family docs and people who take care of reproductive health be able to do all the skills of counseling patients and referring them for care and seeing them before an abortion and after an abortion, they also have to be able to safely empty a uterus of a pregnancy. And this comes up all the time outside of an abortion.
“For example, a patient who’s having what we call a miscarriage — or an early pregnancy loss — sometimes needs an emergent procedure to empty their uterus. So what I am very worried about is how can we make sure that these residents who are trained in family medicine or ob-gyn in states with abortion bans — how are we going to make sure that they have the skills they need to provide emergency care for patients, for example, who are having a miscarriage and who are bleeding heavily and need to have an immediate removal of the pregnancy?
“That is something I’m very concerned about. And so what I could see is, again, not only will the patients who are cared for in these states with an abortion ban be at risk of not having the care they need and needing to travel and having delays and harmful effects of that, but all of these doctors and family physicians and ob-gyns who have graduated in these states will not be able to care for all of their future patients competently.
“So, I actually think that the effect of these bans will be much farther-reaching and go much farther beyond the states in which the bans exist and may affect people globally.”
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As the ACLU of Georgia’s communications director, Ana Maria Rosato created and produced the ACLU of Georgia’s 36-part video series titled “Stop. The. Bans. American Physicians Speak Out.” The series focuses on the impact that abortion bans have on women and their families as well as the impact on the practice of medicine.
Ana Maria interviewed physicians — the experts on women’s healthcare — to discuss what happens to their practice and women’s healthcare when politicians decide how to end a pregnancy rather than leaving those decisions to the individual women and the people those women trust.
Ana Maria interviewed 19 physicians from diverse disciplines: obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, emergency medicine, family medicine, psychiatry, psychology, internal medicine, maternal fetal medicine, and oncology. Ana Maria’s perspective: “When it comes to reproductive healthcare, women and couples must be free to decide whether and when to start or extend a family. Period.”
For more information on the ACLU of Georgia’s important work to protect reproductive freedom, go to
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