Ep. 17: Protect your voter registration! Jim Crow at the Ballot Box, Part 2


With the click of a mouse, ReTHUGliQan secretaries of state have been eliminating, banishing, disappearing, stealing our voter registrations.

That’s why I’m telling you it’s very important for you to check your voter registration and make certain that it is accurate with your name and address that it is the exact same name and address as the government identification you may need to use when you vote.

Really, make sure that you do that. I have a link on my website that you can use. Go to sassypoliticalcoach.com/voter, and you’ll see a big ol’ button that brings you to the Democratic website where you can check on your voter registration as well as register to vote if need be.

Yeah, this is yet another Jim Crow at the ballot box tactic that ReTHUGliQans use to stop U.S. citizens like you and me from exercising our sacred, our fundamental, our legal right to vote.

And once again, Georgia ReTHUGliQan secretaries of state are the poster children for for how to swindle U.S. citizens out of their voter registration with the click of a computer button.

But of course, they actually target specific U.S. citizens, citizens who are Black, Asian, Hispanic, citizens who live in lower income neighborhoods, citizens who are young like students who go off to college.

Oh, my GOD! More unAmerican behavior from the MAGAt ReTHUGliQans.
You and I can stop this Jim Crow at the ballot box practice when we retain control of the U.S. House of Representative and elect an additional two Democrats in the U.S. Senate.

You see, back in 2018, Christine Jordan — Dr. Martin Luther King’s 92-year old cousin — had voted at the same place for 50 years. Suddenly without any reason whatsoever, Georgia’s ReTHUGliQan secretary of state — now governor — purposefully and illegally swindled her out of her voter registration.

She was unable to vote in the 2018 governor’s election. You know the one. It’s the one where the same ReTHUGliQan Secretary of state was running for governor against our beloved democratic nominee, Stacey Abrams. Yes, that’s the one.

So I repeat, check your voter registration. I know you may have already registered. You may have been voting in the same place over and over again, year in and year out, just like Ms. Christine Jordan.

Like any of that really matters to the confederate, Putin loving MAGA-types. You know the ones I like to refer to as MAGAts. Well, if the shoe fits, honey.

So here’s your homework. Check your voter registration. Print out a copy, download it to your phone.

When you go online to check your voter registration and find that your registration is missing in the database, simply re-register immediately. Period. If you go to sassypoliticalcoach.Com/voter as I said, there’s a big old button that says check your voter registration.

Click that button, and you can do all of this in the same place.

If you find that your voter registration fails to match the name or address on whatever identification that you use that you’re required to use when you vote, if you’re in one of those states, then you must re-register immediately so that your identification matches your voter registration.

Be certain that you do this before the voter registration deadline closes in your state of legal residence, and you can also make sure that everyone in your life who is eligible to vote is also registered.

See, I say this because for the last ten years, Georgia’s Republican secretaries of state have been deliberately destroying voter registrations specifically to whiten the voter rolls through swindling U.S. citizens out of their sacred, fundamental and legal right to vote. And they do it with the click of a button on a mouse.

In 2019, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger illegally kicked off the voter rolls nearly 200,000 legally registered voters. These were US. Citizens living and residing in Georgia and who had legally registered to vote.

He claimed that these U.S. citizens had moved out of the county of residents where they had registered to vote. However, the ACLU of Georgia released an investigative report in 2020 titled “Georgia Voter Roll Purge Errors” that the Palace Fund had conducted.

In its press release, the ACLU of Georgia stated that the report

concluded the State had likely removed in 2019 the voter registrations of nearly 200,000 Georgia citizens on the grounds that they had moved from the address on their voter registration application.

However, none of these citizens had moved, according to Advanced Address List Hygiene. Unsurprisingly, the state’s removals will likely affect the most vulnerable: young voters, voters of lower income, and citizens of racial groups that have been denied their sacred right to vote in the past.

To get your own copy of the Palast Report that the ACLU of Georgia released in 2020, go to sassypoliticalcoach.com/documents.

In response to this horrific disclosure that nearly 200,000 U.S. citizens had been wrongfully and illegally removed from the voter rolls, well, any faithful public official would have immediately rectified the situation.

Hell no. Alas, this is a ReTHUGliQan administration. They don’t give a damn about democracy. All they care about is power — and keeping themselves out of prison. That’s a topic for another day.

After the ACLU of Georgia released the Palast Fund report, strong wonderful leaders like LaTosha Brown — co-founder of Black Voters Matter, Nse Ufot — CEO of New Georgia Project, and other fabulous leaders and organizations went out and re-registered to vote tens of thousands of those citizens in spite of the tremendous hardship — that deliberately induced hardship. Look, requiring any of us to waste our precious time, energy, and money re-registering U.S. citizens who were properly registered to begin with is simply wrong, and it’s always wrong!

Now, we must to put into office in Georgia and throughout the nation Democrats who are eager to protect and expand our voter rights. Fortunately, Georgia has on the ballot right now a fantastic candidate for Secretary of State. Her name is Representative Bee Nguyen. You can find a link to her campaign by going to my website sassypoliticalcoach.com. Personally, I’ve worked a bit with Representative Nguyen when I was the communications director with the ACLU of Georgia. She is fabulous! If you can do anything to assist her campaign, please do.

Now look, the current secretary of state simply the tradition that his predecessor had begun years earlier. And who was his predecessor? The current governor.

Back in 2017, with the click of a computer button, ReTHUGliQan Kemp gutted 500,000 voter registrations in one night. Boom! Just like that. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that election law experts believed the action represented the largest mass gutting of the voter rights in U.S. history. Dear Gawd in heaven!

The ACLU of Georgia’s legal director Sean J. Young, one of the nation’s foremost voter rights attorneys, found that the secretary of state had illegally removed about 160,000 U.S. citizens who had simply changed residence inside of the county.

The irony is that both state AND federal law only require that the citizen to notify the U.S. Postal Service which, in turn, notifies the local election office of the address change. After that, all that is required is for the local election office to change the information in its database and send each citizen updated information on the who, what, where of voting. THAT. IS. IT.

This was to be an automatic update to the state’s records.

Instead, election officials broke the law and sent out notices threatening to remove these Georgia citizens from the so-called active voter rolls if they did not respond in 30 days confirming they 1) remained living at the same address 2) had moved within the county or 3) moved out of the county. The local election offices take their direction from the secretary of state’s office.

Without a response from the citizen — and often these notices look like junk mail so it is easy to overlook, the ReTHUGliQan secretary of state policy swindles citizens out of their voter registration. All of this is illegal, and none of it should ever have occured. On the eve of going to court, the ReTHUGliQan secretary of state cried uncle.

In a press release, ACLU of Georgia legal director Sean J. Young said, “This is what voter suppression looks like in the 21st century: confusing notices, needless restrictions, and a minefield of bureaucratic requirements that make it harder to vote.”

These are just two of the innumerable examples of 21st century Jim Crow at the ballot box and just in Georgia alone! We must figure out a way to impose consequences on public officials when they swindle us out of our voter registrations, because right now, they do this without any consequence whatsoever.

ReTHUGliQans are attempting to kill OUR democracy via death by a thousand cuts. Of course, the ReTHUGliQans know these things are illegal. They’re not stupid. Their actions, their motives, well they’re simply vile. Let’s rearrange those four letters. Instead of v-i-l-e, put the “e” in front of the “v” and what do you get? Another adjective — evil. Again if the shoe fits, wear it, honey.

ReTHUGliQan actions are unAmerican! Yeah, I’m sure Putin and the Saudi buzz saw dictator must be so proud of their MAGAt ReTHUGliQan buddies and surprised that Americans of all stripes are actually rising up in nonviolent ways to push back successfully at the polls.

The Kansas abortion ban defeated by 2-to-1. The New York and Alaska special congressional elections? Democrats won! We’re winning.

We all know that in Georgia there is a rematch between the fabulous Stacey Abrams, the magnificent Democratic nominee for governor and the ReTHUGliQan guy I’ve been talking about. The one who is currently occupying the governor’s mansion and who implemented the Jim Crow and other tactics. For more than a decade Stacey Abrams has championed voter rights while the ReTHUGliQan guy has done everything in his power to gut voter rights, because he apparently fails to believe in America.

Of course, you can find a link to the Abrams campaign on my website — sassypoliticalcoach.com

In spite of these things that I’ve shared in this episode, let me remind you that Georgia voters like me cast their ballots proudly and helped elect Joe Biden as president of our United States. Georgia voters like me cast their ballots proudly and elected two — count them, TWO — Democratic U.S. Senators giving us the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate. This what I call The Georgia Miracle!

The Georgia Miracle in November 2020 and January 2021 proved that when we work together doing the election campaign work that is effective, when we work together in spite of the hardships and horrible barriers that ReTHUGliQans wrongly and illegally place in the way of many U.S. citizens, we win.

What I’ve described today is yet another reason to vote for Democrats from the top to the bottom of November’s ballot as well as to ensure that we maintain our majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and elect 2 additional Democrats to the U.S. Senate.

Then come January we can pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to restore the federal government’s critical role in protecting our sacred right to vote and get rid of the Jim Crow policies and practices like the ones I’ve described here in this episode.

There are plenty of things you can do to help make this happen.

First, of course, make sure that you are registered to vote and keep a copy of your voter registration in case you need it. Also ensure that everyone in your life who is eligible to vote that they are registered to vote.

So let’s turn our attention to what you can do in addition to help create the Big Blue Wave. What I’m going to tell you are specific, battle-hardened, effective, and successful steps that I know from personal experience produce election night victories.

Want to know how to use your cell phone to identify citizens who we can count on to support and vote for our Democratic candidates? Great! Listen to Episode 3.

What are the steps — all puns intended — to walking and talking to neighbors? Listen to Episode 9.

What about turbo-charging the chatter on the ground to create the big momentum for our Democratic candidates? Fabulous! Listen to Episode 4.

Voter protection? That’s in Episode 14.

I even created how-to instruction documents for each of these. Everything’s on my website sassypoliticalcoach.com.

Lastly, if you need — or someone you know needs — to get focused on winning, Episode 2 helps you get your head in the game ’cause it’s like oxygen, honey. You gotta have it.

Now when you join any of these campaigns — contributing your time or your treasure, both,, let me know. Put a comment on social media or on the podcast comment section. Also, please let the campaign know that the Sassy Political Coach™ encouraged you to help. Ohhh a little shameless self-promotion’s good, right?

Thank you for listening!

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And you can find me across social media @SassyPoliticalCoach.

For your Hell Hath No Fury™ swag — t-shirt, ball cap, and coffee mug to start off your day or take a mid-afternoon break — naturally, you can also use it for tea, head on over to Sassypoliticalcoach.com/store.

This is Ana Maria. YOUR Sassy Political Coach™. Now go out and make Hell Hath No Fury™ our political rallying cry that helps create OUR BIG BLUE WAVE!

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“Catch It” Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay
“Battle Percussion Jungle Powerful Show Heavy Music” Music by REDproductions from Pixabay
“Percussion Opener” Music by Stock_Studio from Pixabay
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“Percussion Energetic Sport” Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay
“Urban and Energy Stomps Claps” Music by AleXZavesa fromPixabay

Copyright © 2022 Ana Maria Rosato All rights reserved.



Ana Maria Rosato, host Sassy Political Coach
Ana Maria Rosato, host Sassy Political Coach

Written by Ana Maria Rosato, host Sassy Political Coach

“Hell Hath No Fury” a battle-tested, practical paint-by-numbers actions to help create our BLUE WAVE in ROEvember! Hosted on Sassy Political Coach podcast

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