Ana Maria Rosato interviews Dr. Jennifer: One in Four Women Have Abortions
In a video series on abortion bans created while communications director for the ACLU of Georgia, I interviewed Dr. Jennifer, an OB/GYN who discusses the reality that one out of four women have an abortion at some point in their lives. (Spanish translation below.) In the video, Dr. Jennifer talked about the reality regarding abortion and women’s lives as well as well as who should never decide healthcare for women. At the end of this post, Dr. Jennifer’s comments are translated into Spanish.
“So somewhere between one in four women and one in three women will have an abortion at some point in her life. And when you think about those numbers. That’s one out of every four people, women you know, or have met on the street or in your family, your friends, and your family members.
“Abortion is part of women’s reproductive lives, and to take that out of women’s reproductive lives is really taking out a major piece of healthcare.
“Our job as healthcare providers is to take care of people. And this is a decision that belongs solely between a provider and a woman and a provider.
“Legislators and policy makers really should never be deciding what medical conditions are relevant, what medical conditions are not relevant, and what healthcare should and should not be delivered.”
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As the ACLU of Georgia’s communications director, Ana Maria Rosato produced the ACLU of Georgia’s 36-part video series titled “Stop. The. Bans. American Physicians Speak Out.” The series focuses on the impact that abortion bans have on women and their families as well as the impact on the practice of medicine.
Ana Maria interviewed physicians — the experts on women’s healthcare — to discuss what happens to their practice and women’s healthcare when politicians decide how to end a pregnancy rather than leaving those decisions to the individual women and the people those women trust.
Ana Maria interviewed 19 physicians from diverse disciplines: obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology, emergency medicine, family medicine, psychiatry, psychology, internal medicine, maternal fetal medicine, and oncology.
Ana Maria’s perspective: “When it comes to reproductive healthcare, women and couples must be free to decide whether and when to start or extend a family. Period.”
For more information on the ACLU of Georgia’s important work to protect reproductive freedom, go to
Video credit: Another Jones Production
For more info on Ana Maria, visit
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Alto. a las. Prohibiciones. Médicos americanos alzan la voz:
1 de cada 4 mujeres se practicarán un aborto.
La Dra. Jennifer es ginecobstetra y proveedora de asistencia médica para el aborto.
“Mi nombre es Jennifer… soy ginecobstetra. También ofrezco asistencia médica para el aborto.
Aproximadamente una de cada tres a cuatro mujeres se practicará un aborto en algún momento de sus vidas. Cuando piensas en esos números, es una de cada cuatro personas, mujeres que conoces o que has conocido en la calle o en tu familia; son tus amigas y tus familiares.
El aborto es parte de la vida reproductiva de las mujeres, Eliminar esa parte de la vida reproductiva de las mujeres, es realmente eliminar un elemento importante de la protección de la salud.
Nuestro trabajo como profesionales de la salud es asistir a las personas. Esta es una decisión que corresponde únicamente a un profesional de la salud y una mujer.
Los legisladores y actores políticos jamás deberían decidir cuáles condiciones médicas son relevantes y cuáles no lo son y qué tipo de asistencia médica debería o no suministrarse.”
Más información sobre cómo puedes ayudar a detener las prohibiciones, en